Taylor McAlpine

Taylor McAlpine

Taylor wears two hats for work. He is with Leading EDG as a business facilitator, meaning he helps support rural small business owners navigate the challenges of starting and operating their business. He is also the owner of Local LBK, a media company designed to help find what people love in the LBK. They have a weekly email newsletter helping people know about everything going on in town, a small business directory on their website, and fresh content across all of their social media channels helping people live like a local. He loves the mission of helping the Lubbock community become more resilient by helping those in need and is especially excited about the Love the Hub program helping empower with a holistic approach as they address working poverty in our city one leader at a time. He is a Lubbock native and lives in the Heart of Lubbock neighborhood. He is a Texas Tech alum and graduated from the Rawls College of Business with a dual major in Marketing and Management with a concentration in entrepreneurship.